You’ll get only the best at the H-D® Adventure Centre. The Mick Extance Experience has over 60 years’ off-road riding experience between them. Rest assured, you’re in good hands.

It can be daunting hitting the trails on a powerful bike. But, if you’re a first-timer you’ll receive special attention on easy and level terrain. This will help to build your confidence, and as soon as the instructors are happy that you have complete control of the motorcycle, you can progress.

That said, even an expert rider can develop their skills after a day at the H-D® Adventure Centre. We’ll give you a challenge, put you the test and have some fun doing it!

  • Mick

    After buying his first motorcycle with his paper round proceeds at the age of 15, Mick competed in his first trial… and won! It was a sign of his natural abilities on a motorbike and laid the foundations for what was to become a very successful career on two wheels.

    So far, Mick has entered seven Dakar Rallies in total, finishing five. He has already registered for Dakar 2023, despite having recovered from a brain tumour just last year. His knowledge and experience speaks for itself.

    Are you ready to learn from the best?

  • Adam

    To say that Adam is a chip off the old block would be an understatement! Mick’s son has been mastering bikes off road since he was able to walk and has competed in top-level motocross as well as a successful short circuit racing career.

    His enthusiasm for the H-D® Adventure Centre and laid-back attitude make him an amazing and patient instructor who is adept at persevering with even the least experienced off-road riders to give them a day out to remember.

  • Guest riders

    There are a host of top-level riders working with Mick and Adam to bring out the best in every guest at the H-D® Adventure Centre. All are carefully vetted and put through their paces on our courses before being allowed to work with us, and you.

    There are never more than two riders per instructor on our off-road riding course, so we can truly cater for all levels of ability. If you can ride a bike, you’ll be able to ride a motorbike off-road after just a few hours tuition. You’ll be amazed how far we can take you…

Adventure Awaits

Whatever level your off-road riding, you – and your confidence – will go up a notch by the time you head for home. All riders must hold a full motorcycle licence and be able to reach the floor comfortably from the seat of the Pan America™ 1250 Special.

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